
Fitting Jiu Jitsu Into Your Busy Schedule

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Fitting Jiu Jitsu Into Your Busy Schedule

Balancing life and BJJ can be Tricky Sometimes

Finding a balance between work, life, and jiu-jitsu isn’t always easy.  Whether it be a demanding job or spouse, or your kid’s sporting events, there are many things that can divert your goals and attention away from the mats.  But you can’t let those things become your reasons not to train.  As an adult, especially one with children, you have a duty to your loved ones.  You have a duty to be in shape;you have a duty to be able to protect them.  What fun is it for your son or daughter who wants to kick the soccer ball around if you are unable to run for more than 10 minutes without being winded?  What’s going to happen to your girlfriend or your wife if you’re out together and someone tries to attack you and you don’t have the skills to get yourself home without injury?

Shorten your learning curve!  Click Learn More!


Every one of your training partners has responsibilities outside of the gym, but they still make it to the mats.  The effort it takes to find a few hours a week for the exercise, the self-defense education, and the social interactions (really, any of the benefits BJJ has to offer) is minute compared to what it can cost you in the long run.  For every excuse you make not to train, there’s always one better reason for you to show up.  You just need to find that reason and make that change.

There’s so much that you can learn from spending a little extra time on the mats each time you go.  It can be about how your body reacts when you’re tired, or that one extra detail for when you’re in a bad position.  These little bits can save you if you find yourself in an unfortunate situation one day. 

Ready to speed up your BJJ progress?  Click Learn More!



It’s time to stop complaining and making excuses, and it’s time to start finding reasons to train just a little bit more.  As the old saying goes: “Be the change you wish to see in the World.”  Start being that change today, and you will see other things miraculously change shortly thereafter.  See you on the mats.

A good place to start with BJJ is to find resources that can shorten your learning curve.  Check out Wiseman BJJ from Zenith founder Rodrigo Cavaca.  You can get it here from BJJ Fanatics!






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