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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an extremely high impact Martial Art that involves a series of extremely technical components, and speedy transitions that help to neutralise an opponent. There are many different aspects to the game style of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, as pressure bjj is used to control a grounded opponent, before setting up a highly advanced submission maneuver like a choke hold, and a joint lock. The origin of Jiu Jitsu derives from the ancient styles of Japanese Jiu Jitsu, and wrestling combat, where many of their high impact techniques were inspired by. The downside to the inspiration from ancient styles of Martial Art, is certain aspects that accompany this graceful form of grappling, can be quite harrowing.

What this article covers:

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athletes will commonly use humility, honour, and integrity throughout all of their competition matches, and their academy training. However not all athletes will play by the rules, as some of them will still have egotistical traits, or will use dirty tactics as a way of gaining significant advantages over their opponents. The form of wrestling has an old school dirty tactic mindset, where the athlete will use oil checks as a way to surprise their opponent, which can lead to easier tactical advantages. Unfortunately this strategy has followed into the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, where some of the practitioners will utilise the oil check as a way to annoy, and to surprise their opponents, so they too can gain a tactical advantage. 


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The oil check is a dirty tactic that goes back a long way into combat sports. The art of ancient Greek Wrestling dates back centuries, where combatants would oil themselves up, and wrestle in front of large groups of fans. Back in those days there was not much that was deemed illegal, as quite often these wrestling matches would end up in a death, or a disfigurement of one of the combatants. Low blows to the groin region were often a part of the tactic, as well as oil checks.

Olympic wrestling medalist and BJJ black belt Adam Wheeler has combined his wrestling and jiu jitsu skills to create EFFECTIVE WRESTLING FOR GI JIU JITSU to help drastically improve your grappling skills!

oil check in Jiu Jitsu

The oil check is when an opponent sticks their fingers into the anus of another opponent. This unruly tradition has stuck with wrestling, and reared its ugly head into the more modernised form of collegiate, and international wrestling. This dirty tactic has also made its way into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu combat matches, as some of these athletes will use this shameful act as a way to distract their opponent. Even some of these athletes inside of their own academy will do this act during jiu jitsu rolls to their training partners. The oil check definitely has no place in combat sports, as no athlete wants an opponent's fingers anywhere near their anus. Just to clarify, an opponent does not actually stick their fingers inside of the anus, as the oil check refers to pushing into the anus from on top of the clothing, which although does not penetrate, it does have a horrible effect both physically, and mentally on an opponent.

Although the official IBJJF rulebook does not state that an oil check is illegal, it is definitely highly frowned upon. Subsequently the rulebook does state under section six that no athlete is allowed to bite, pull hair, strike, or apply pressure to the genitals, eyes, or intentionally use a traumatic blow of any kind like punches, elbows, kicks, headbutts, and knees. Just like bjj reaping, this interpretation of the rules can mean that oil checks are illegal, yet there is a large grey area that surrounds this type of dirty tactic. Many practitioners have come out and said that the rules should clearly state that oil checks are illegal, and this is due to the sexual nature, and the unfairness of this dirty move. Most integral athletes will steer clear from this type of rubbish, as it can severely ruin the reputation of a BJJ athlete. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioners are all about being integral, humble, and honourable, and to use an oil check in any form of a grappling match, or training session, would be downright dirty, and against the standards, and the ideology of all Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy coaches.


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The use of a dirty move like an oil check is completely unethical, and goes beyond the threshold of acceptable activity. It is absolutely unthinkable as to why an athlete would lower their colours, and perform such a heinous act during a BJJ match. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is all about honour, and integrity, and performing despicable acts like an oil check just won't cut it. There is no good reason why an athlete would use an oil check other than they are egotistical, or they thrive on belittling their opponents. Although there are benefits in terms of gaining advantage over an opponent, to use an oil check is still something that is untoward, and has no place in the competitive arena of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. There are many different bjj transitions that an athlete can execute, rather than resorting to eccentric, and outlandish maneuvers like an oil check. Students need to act appropriately when they train inside of a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy, and when they step onto the competition mats, because they need to remember that they are role models to the kids, and to the lower belts within the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu community.


It is well established that an oil check is gross, and invading of an athlete's personal space, but there are advantages to utilising this move. Pushing into an opponent's exit area will shock them, and cause them to either halt what they are doing, or forget what their intentions were in the first place. Athletes will then be able to gain a significant dominance over their opponent. Using this dirty tactic can also allow an athlete to escape from a submission, or a control position. Quite often the oil check goes unnoticed by spectators, and even referees, but it is comprehensively felt by an athlete on the mats. The oil check can also be executed to stop bjj inversion, which is when an athlete rolls onto their shoulders in an upside down position. An athlete will use this disgraceful act to put the brakes on an opponent that is trying to attack leg locks, or back takes. 

Another advantage that is credited to an oil driller, is the fact that it can make a sweep extremely easy. Quite often when an athlete needs to hook under the hamstring to achieve a sweep, they may look to grab hold of an opponent's butt cheek, and allow a digit to push into the restricted area. This will not only shock an opponent, but they may actively go with the sweep fast, so they can avoid the unwanted intrusion. Sometimes athlete's will use this horrible tactic during a guard pass, as it can also force a guard to break open, which can allow an easy guard pass for the athlete. There is also the accidental intrusion, which can happen with an athlete's knee. Sometimes when an athlete tries to pass their opponent's guard, they will often try to split open their legs as they attempt to knee slice past one of their thighs. This can often end with a miscalculation, as an athlete will plant their knee firmly into the genital region, causing some severe pain towards their opponent. Although this may not technically be an oil check, it can still have a diverse effect towards the coccyx region of an athlete.


Sportsmanship is huge in the modern day of combat sports, because an athlete is only as strong as the way they represent themself. Some athletes are incredibly egotistical, or in other words they can be extremely selfish, as they care only about their rise to the top of the ranks. There is always that guy who won't shake an opponent's hand, or show them respect, that one guy that has no shred of decency, honour, or humility, the one that oil checks, or can openers an opponent. That guy who jumps up and celebrates the win without showing respect to their opponent, and these athletes are called unsportsmanlike, or basically cowards. The old saying goes there is no honour among thieves, and this means that an egotistical douchebag will have no humility, honour, or care for their opponent whatsoever. There are not many of these types of athletes left, as the formidable combat sport will always weed out the bad eggs.

Becoming exceptional at a Martial Art like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is all about honour, humility, and integrity. These are the core values that will separate the elite athlete from the mediocre pretender. Sportsmanship is the true heart behind all sports, as the athlete that reaches out and offers a hand will always be seen as a winner, compared to the selfish athlete that leaves no friends in their wake. Of course winning at the highest levels means everything to an athlete, and they will stop at nothing to become a World Champion, but this does not mean they don't need to be honourable, integral, and humble when they win, or lose. Showing an opponent that an athlete can respect them, and offering them a fair chance to contest the battle is how the warrior spirit is embodied in the heart of a true Samurai. Some athletes will not even shake hands, and will just rush in on an unsuspecting victim. The difference is that an honourable student will face their opponent, shake hands, and contest the battle with valour, and honour.

Honour comes in many different forms, as even down to the smallest aspects they are extremely important. There are moments inside of a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competition match where two opponents will be mid roll, but a referee will stop the fight because they have gone out of bounds. Usually a referee will make the two opponents restart the fight in the same position in the middle of the mats, and they will often do their best to replicate the exact same position. An honourable student will not take an extra advantage like giving themself a better grip, or placing a hook in a better position, instead they will only place their limbs where they were, before the fight was stopped. These aspects are extremely important, and can determine whether a student should be a representative of an academy at the highest level. Becoming a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, there should be no need for cowardly antics, as they should be well trained in their technical proficiency, and how they represent their character out in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu community.

Olympic wrestling medalist and BJJ black belt Adam Wheeler has combined his wrestling and jiu jitsu skills to create EFFECTIVE WRESTLING FOR GI JIU JITSU to help drastically improve your grappling skills!

oil check in BJJ

Most Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athletes are incredibly encouraging, humble, and will represent their character, and community with honour, humility, and integrity. This is why Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is one of the most sought after Martial Arts to learn, because students that join the ranks will often rave about how amazing the atmosphere at an academy truly is. Unlike other Martial Arts that have too much ego, and too much separation between the higher and lower ranks, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the complete opposite. The higher ranked athletes in Jiu Jitsu are all equal with the beginners of an academy. All BJJ practitioners are there to support each of their training partners in every way they possibly can. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu offers more than just a self defense Martial Art, it offers athletes and people from all walks of life to come and get fit, learn to fight, and meet amazing people within the community. This is why Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is great for people that have obstacles they are facing in their life, because the camaraderie, respect and understanding that a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy offers these students, is irreplaceable. This ranges true even with people that suffer from mental illness, as they can also find a special place inside of an academy, and be just as welcomed, and supported as every other member.



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