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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a highly energetic form of Martial Arts, which incorporates the use of the body's cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular systems. BJJ has a high impact on the body's joints, tendons, ligaments, and bones, and this is why preparing the body for combat is essential. Athletes must prepare mentally, and physically for battle, and the best way to do this is through the perfect balance of training, recovery, and nutrition. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has a high demand on the human body, as it can deplete an athlete's energy levels extremely fast. Fueling the body is crucial to the performance output of the athlete, but as the bjj progression of an athlete increases, they will soon realise the importance of finding the right nutritional value in all of their meals. 

Every athlete needs to eat the right portions of nutritional foods, this is so they can have the right balance of calories throughout the day. Every athlete needs a different calorie intake, and this is dependent on factors like height, weight, gender, age, and how fit they are. Different foods have different calorie ratings, and each different kind of food will give athletes a specific energy level. Most professional level combat athletes will burn between four and five thousand calories per day, so the importance of eating the right foods becomes essential to their performance. This means they need to make sure they are getting enough calories into their body, but also balancing when to do so. This is why athletes need a good breakfast to start their day, and protein shakes to help with their intake.

Jiu Jitsu and MMA Champion Tom DeBlass shares his secrets to maintaining healthy nutrition and exercise well into your later years.  Check it out here at!

what to eat before bjj


A healthy and balanced food intake is extremely important, especially for combat sports athletes. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighters use an extensive amount of energy, and this is due to the rigorous grind, and the dynamic nature of the ground fighting art. The human body needs energy to stay functioning, and to keep the organs operating normally. When someone eats, or drinks it becomes energy for the body, and the right foods can work better than others. This energy is used for all movements including breathing, running, jumping, and all of the bjj systems that practitioners will use. Maintaining a good weight ratio is how an athlete will remain healthy, and the energy they put into their bodies must be nutritional foods. The most important aspect of a healthy diet is how an athlete will balance the energy they put in, compared with the output of energy they use. This means taking in enough calories per day to keep up with the high amount of calories that a BJJ athlete will burn. This is why eating a good balance of foods will help an athlete feel better, and move better, as any unwanted calories will be stored into the body, and will cause the athlete to gain an unnecessary amount of weight. Eating good foods is important for a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner, otherwise they will feel lethargic, like their energy levels are depleted.


Spending time on the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu mats can be exhausting, as training in the art of grappling is an extensive workout. This means that an athlete can run considerably low on energy, so it is extremely important to eat the right foods, and this will help maximise an athlete's training output. Some students will engage in extensive training regimes like a bjj gauntlet, where they will roll against multiple opponents causing a severe energy depletion. This just highlights the need for a student to make sure they are eating the correct foods before they train. It is vital that students don't eat just before they train, as they may find it hard to execute techniques properly, while their food is still digesting. It is always wise to eat at least two hours before a training session so the food can be properly digested before they train. Eating lighter foods like chicken, fish, salad, vegetables, greek yoghurt, eggs, or turkey will help give an athlete energy, and will most likely stay digested inside of an athlete's body. BJJ athletes require more protein than most people, and this is due to the high intensity of the sport. Fruit is also good to eat before a training session, as blueberries are one of the best sources of antioxidants, and bananas carry potassium, which can help an athlete with cramping issues.

There are many different forms of supplements that can be taken before a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu workout. Some of these include amino acids like beta alanine, which can help stop the lactic acid from building up inside an athlete's muscles. L Arginine is another amino acid, which is crucial for the body in helping to make different proteins. This type of amino acid is found in various foods, and will help break down nitric oxide, and as the blood vessels expand this will increase the blood flow, and stimulate the release of growth hormones, helping an athlete to function properly. L Carnitine is an amino acid that will help the body turn fat into energy, which can be important for an athlete as they try to trim down their body fat, and build stronger muscles. Creatine nitrate is another important supplement, as it will help to increase exercise performance, stamina, and the recovery process. Some athletes may think about taking a combination of these supplements before training sessions to help with their overall energy levels. Some pre workout formulas can assist an athlete, but many of them can also be concerning, like all supplements moderation is the key component. 


Quite often athletes make the wrong decisions when it comes to their food intake. Eating fatty foods before training is a big no no, as it can lead to bloating, undigested food, and low energy levels. This can cause an athlete to feel lethargic throughout their muscles, which is the opposite to how they want to feel while they are grappling against an opponent. There is also the bjj etiquette factor, and this means that an athlete eating fatty foods before training can lead to odours resonating from their pores, or flatulence during their training session. Athletes need to stay away from sugars, fats, and carbs, as they will not help in losing weight, nor will it help an athlete during their BJJ training. These kinds of foods are better off taken post training, as this is when an athlete needs to replenish many of their energy levels. Staying away from unhealthy foods is extremely important, especially before an athlete steps onto the training mats.

There are many sports around the world that have a culture that involves drinking alcohol. Some sporting clubs rely on patrons buying alcohol to help run their club financially. This kind of intake is detrimental to combat sports athletes. Drinking alcohol, or taking drugs of any sort will not help an athlete in becoming better at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Steering clear of the temptations of partying hard with friends can be hard for some students, as the lure of drugs, and alcohol has become an epidemic worldwide. The culture of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is surrounded by athletes that want to succeed, and the best way to do this is by having a balanced, and nutritious diet, combined with extensive training regimes that help an athlete achieve their goals. There are also some pre workout formulas on the market that are probably not the best for athletes to take. Although they may seem like they help in the beginning, many of these formulas can release harrowing side effects like headaches, addiction, and energy dumps. Staying natural, and sticking to a balanced, and healthy diet, combined with plenty of exercise, is the best way for a student to excel in the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.


Staying hydrated in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the most important aspect of all, and this is because water will help many functions within the human body. The body needs a certain amount of water every day to regulate its temperature, to keep the joints lubricated, to prevent infections, to send nutrients to the body's cells, and to keep all of the organs functioning properly. Good hydration will significantly improve the quality of sleep a person receives, and will also help with cognitive functions. Learning how to win in jiu jitsu is dependent upon an athlete staying hydrated, because if they are lacking in this area then their energy levels will suffer dramatically. Having a better mental concentration is extremely important in BJJ, and staying hydrated will help. Training in a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy can be extremely humid, and is full of athletes that are sweating, and this is how the body will lose its fluid quickly. Athletes should make sure they have had at least four litres of water during the day before coming to training, and a further few litres during and after training to replenish the necessary minerals in the human body. A good tip is to add electrolytes into an athlete's water, as this is how to fast track an athlete's hydration level. One aspect that athletes need to be careful of is drinking too much water at once, smaller sips is what is required so they don't feel too bloated when they begin training. It is vitally important to stay hydrated, as having a deficiency in the body can cause the reduction in red blood cells, the weakening of the muscles, lowered levels of testosterone, kidney failure, or even a heart attack.


Millions of people worldwide drink coffee everyday, to wake up in the morning, and to stay awake in the night time. For years caffeine was looked at as if it was an unhealthy choice for people. Nowadays studies are showing the innovative effects of caffeine on the human body. Most workout formulas have added caffeine, which has surprisingly great health benefits for combat sports athletes. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that is commonly found in fruit leaves, coffee beans, cacao, and guarana plants. Its health properties work by stimulating the brain, and the central nervous system, which is a key factor in helping an athlete stay focused, and alert. After caffeine has been taken, it has an extremely fast absorption rate from the stomach into the bloodstream. The blood carries the caffeine into the liver, where it is broken down into compounds that can assist the function of many of the body's organs, with the main purpose being the human brain. Its main function is to block the effects of adenosine, which is a neurotransmitter, and is how the brain gets tired.

Jiu Jitsu and MMA Champion Tom DeBlass shares his secrets to maintaining healthy nutrition and exercise well into your later years.  Check it out here at!

eat before jiu jitsu

The normal function of the human brain is to build up levels of adenosine, making a person more tired, which causes them to need to sleep. Caffeine will help an athlete stay awake, and stay more focused by connecting to adenosine receptors in the brain without activating them. It also increases the level of adrenaline in the bloodstream, and improves brain activity of the neurotransmitters, dopamine, and norepinephrine. This combination of health benefits stimulates the brain, and gives the athlete a state of arousal, alertness, and focus. Caffeine has been referred to as a psychoactive drug, and this is because it has effects on the human brain. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athletes will use caffeine to enhance their performance, improve their brain functioning, increase their memory capabilities, sharpen their mental focus, and give the athlete a calmer sense of concentration. 

Like all supplements, they must be taken after careful consideration, and in moderation. Too much caffeine is not the answer to becoming a world class athlete, instead having a cup of coffee, or herbal tea before training can have great health benefits. The addition of caffeine to an athlete's diet will help their metabolism, and their digestion, making it faster and therefore beneficial to a combat athlete. The downside to taking caffeine is the effect it has on the brain at night time, as it can affect an athlete's sleeping habits. Using caffeine can definitely benefit an athlete if it is used moderately, and overuse can cause a plethora of issues like depression, anxiety, sleep disorder, stress, and addiction. 

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