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Do’s and Don'ts When Visiting A BJJ School

Do’s and Don'ts When Visiting A BJJ School


Easy Checklist to Make the Visit Great

Visiting a different jiu-jitsu gym can be a really fun time. Meeting new people, seeing new technique, and changing things up a bit can be good for you jiu-jitsu. But, before we head out, we need to think about it first. Here are some do’s and don'ts for your gym visits.


DO - A Little Bit Of Research

Check out the gym’s website, or hit any of their social media accounts. See what you are heading into. Most importantly, check their schedule. Best bet would be to head to a fundamenta/regular class (Not the best idea to go to a competition oriented class). See who the instructors are so you can greet them when you walk in. Get a feel for their culture. A few minutes of checking out their information can definitely be beneficial.

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DO NOT - Wear Your Gym’s Attire

Some places frown upon this type of thing, going as far as forcing you to pay a fee to rent a gi for your day of training. Also, it is a traditional, respectful thing to not do this, and may put a damper on your experience if you do so. Best bet is to just not; just to avoid any issues.


DO - Let Their Instructors Know

Drop them an email, or a message on social media. Be sure to ask the drop-in fee. Let them know what class you plan on attending, just to make sure you are welcome. Ask any questions you may have (i.e. changing areas/rooms, if they have water available, are guests allowed to roll). Do your best to ask all your questions beforehand, just to make sure there are no miscommunications when you arrive.


DO - Let Your Instructor Know

Giving them the heads up about your visit is probably the best idea. Normally, this should not be an issue. Just send a text, or a call should be fine. Just a little bit of courtesy to your instructor before you head out.

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DO NOT - Be Disrespectful

You are a guest, and they should be hospitable, but do not be disrespectful. Don't call out a technique that is done with a slight variation that you are not used to. Don’t come in and try to kill all the white belts, or thier higher belts for that matter. Don't forget your mat fee. If they bow, and you normally don't, then you should probably bow also when you visit. Give the experience a laid back approach, and you should be fine.


And, if all else fails, treat it like your home gym. They are most likely just like you, and have the same attitude when on the mats. But, doing your due diligence before you go can make a world of difference for your visit!

Before you head out on your next visit, check out Rustam Chsiev's Russian Grappling Hacks!  Learn all of his favorite takedowns, chokes and leg locks with this series!  You can get it here at BJJ Fanatics!





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