Is Your First BJJ Competition On the Horizon?
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Setting Your Sights On That First Comp
So there’s a competition coming up in a couple months. You never really considered competing in the past because you either like to just watch, you don’t feel that you have a competitive mindset, or you’re indifferent about competing in general.
Early on in your BJJ journey, you may not have your goals set to be a competitor, and that’s fine, not everyone wants to. But now that you’ve been training for a while and you feel like you might want to test what you’ve learned.
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Now you’ve been approached by your instructor and they tell you that they think you’re ready to compete. What are they thinking? I should compete? NO WAY! YES WAY! Not many students get approached by their instructor, telling them that they want them to compete. But why you? Well, your instructor came to you because they see something in you, a special kind of talent, and a special kind of fight. Not everyone gets to have this experience. They want you to test your skills. They want you to represent them that day.
OK, I signed up! What’s next? Preparation. Do you want to lose weight, or are you fine with grappling someone who is equal to your current size? Diet. You know what makes your body feel good, and you know what certainly doesn’t. Be consistent with your diet. Train. Get as much training in as you can. Ask questions when you’re not sure. Ask your coach what you should work on. They want to see you succeed as much as, if not more than, you want to.
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What should you expect from this tournament? Expect to experience the thrills of the tournament scene. It’s an amazing feeling just being at one, let alone competing in it. Expect to learn. If you win… good. Your training has paid off. If you lose… good. You now know where your weaknesses are and can get back to practicing on it. Finally, you’ve learned what you’re capable of. You have a deeper understanding of your body and how it reacts in certain situations.
So if you’re contemplating competing for the first time, stop thinking and start acting on it. Make sure you have fun and make sure you take away all that you can, no matter what the outcome is.
As you're prepping for your first tournament, don't forget to get your foundation techniques in order. The best way to do so is to check out Bernardo Faria's latest offering Foundations of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu from BJJ Fanatics! You can get it here!
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