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BJJ Instructional Videos
John Danaher Leglocks
John Danaher Back Attacks BJJ
Half Guard BJJ Instructional Video
Quicksand Of Emotion

Quicksand Of Emotion


Keep You Head Level, And Make The Right Decision.

Reacting out of emotion can cause us to make decisions we may regret later. After all anger is only one letter away from danger. Ex-Navy Seal Commander and BJJ black belt Jocko Willink has a simple strategy for you. Detach from your emotions.

Detaching from your emotions allows you the time to understand the situation you are currently in and affords you the option of better planning your next step. Not only is this a skill that can be extremely useful in your everyday life, but it also applies directly to BJJ.

 Diet Of A BJJ Fighter? Click Learn More below!


Most gyms have rules posted somewhere when you first walk in. It usually says something along the lines of no egos or shoes on the mat. For most people they could benefit from additional explanation of what these rules mean. It is not a natural reaction to be comfortable with someone imposing their will on us. What is natural is to be upset and to want to exact revenge on the person who smashed us. Removing ego and detaching from emotions is a critical skill, but it is a skill that few possess naturally.

When emotions are in check we can better evaluate where our game is. This involves both identifying weaknesses and strengths. If every training session is about winning or losing than prepare for a short Jiu-Jitsu journey because most of the early days of BJJ involve losing, a lot.

Focus on what went right during the session and make incremental changes. New techniques and strategies often times will not work at first. If we get emotional for failing at our new butterfly guard sweep and give up on it, we cheat ourselves from the learning process. Any veteran of the art will tell you that trying and failing new techniques is the only way to eventually implement into your game.

Intermittent Fasting To Improve Your BJJ! Click Learn More below!


Speaking of veterans of BJJ, they can usually tell the intentions of someone training with them in the first seconds of a roll. If you are coming at them with a nonsensical, some would say “emotional”, approach to rolling be prepared to lose training partners. Partners obsessed with winning are not concerned with your learning, and therefore are not the best training partners. Take a step back and ask yourself “why am I here?” If the answer is to learn than be sure to take emotion out of your training sessions.

Join ADCC Veteren Tom DeBlass and the secrets to his eating and workout program! BJJ Fanatics has his DVD "Ripped in 12 Weeks - Intermittent Fasting and Easy Bodyweight Fitness". Get it here!



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