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BJJ Instructional Videos
John Danaher Leglocks
John Danaher Back Attacks BJJ
Half Guard BJJ Instructional Video



Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has become one of the premier Martial Arts in the modern era. The popularity of the combat sport has grown in leaps and bounds, and this is mainly due to the international rise of events like the ADCC. Fans all over the world plug into streaming services like Flograppling to watch their favourite athletes like Gordon Ryan, Andre Galvao, Tye Ruotulo, and Mica Galvao battle each other for bragging rights. Watching high level athletes on the world stage gives inspiration to many up and coming students of the art. Most students that begin training have seen some form of grappling, or Mixed Martial Arts, so they can already be aware of what to expect when they join a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy.

What this article covers:

Walking through the doors of a BJJ academy can be extremely tough, especially when a prospective student doesn't know anyone. Finding the courage to begin the journey is the best choice that anyone will make, as they will soon come to realise how instrumental a BJJ academy can be. There are many aspects inside of an academy that can help a student develop their Jiu Jitsu. The help goes far beyond the physical, as the students of BJJ are well known for their humble, integral, and inspirational nature. Learning Jiu Jitsu goes further than becoming a fighter, it's about becoming a better person, as Jiu Jitsu will teach students how to respect people of all different walks of life.

Start your BJJ journey off with the most solid foundation you can designed by 5X World Champion Bernardo Faria and BJJ Fanatics!

what are the must haves in bjj


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There are many important tools that can help students in their journey through BJJ. Aside from many of the physical aspects, the most important tool of all is the right mindset. Understanding how to use a strategic mind for the best development of a student's game, is the crucial element. Having the right mindset involves showing discipline, and being open minded to all concepts they may discover. There is no room for arrogance when a student is learning the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, as this will only breed bad habits, and bad attitudes. Students must train with humility, and integrity, as this is the only way that an athlete will be able to learn at a high standard. Having the right mindset means that a student must understand that progression will not happen overnight. It is something that can take a long time, and they must be prepared to go through an extensive process. There will be times in their journey when they feel like they are not progressing, as they plateau, but this is normal for a BJJ student. The important factor is that a student must endure this, as it is a good lesson to learn in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. There will always be ups and downs when learning a complex Martial Art like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and showing dedication, perseverance, and continuity is the key component to becoming successful in BJJ.


There are many different types of protective gear that an athlete can use for safety purposes. Probably the most important piece of equipment is an athlete's mouth guard. The mouth guard is a necessary safety precaution that will protect an athlete's teeth from any serious impact. In BJJ a mouth guard will also protect the athlete from biting their tongue, or the inside of their gums. There is a lot of pressure on an athlete's face in BJJ, so it is extremely important to protect their mouth with high quality equipment. It's not always easy to find the best equipment, and the best mouth guards for bjj are often found in a dentist. Custom mouth guards are made specifically contoured to an athlete's mouth, and are made in a dental practice. The dentist will make an impression of an athlete's teeth, and create a custom mouth guard from a special kind of resin. This type of mouth guard has great impact protection, and is specifically designed to fit the athlete properly, making it easier to breathe.

One problem that can be reoccurring for BJJ athletes is cauliflower ears, this is a condition known as perichondrial hematoma. Cauliflower ear can become common when BJJ athletes wrestle, as there is a lot of pressure, and force towards the head. The process of cauliflower ears may occur when the blood that collects in the outer ear after a trauma isn't drained properly, or becomes infected. This can be really troublesome to an athlete, as it can seriously affect the quality of their training. As a result of this condition athlete's will look at some of the best bjj ear guards on the market. Wearing ear guards is highly common in wrestling, and this is due to the nature of the sport. Training at a high intensity in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu will force some athletes to wear ear guards, as they will have the need to protect their ears while they are training.

Wearing bjj cup protection is not that common in Jiu Jitsu, as it is more of a necessity in Mixed Martial Arts. Nowadays it is hit or miss whether an athlete chooses to wear groin protection. Some athletes will be comfortable wearing the equipment, while others will find it a hindrance. In BJJ there is no striking, but there is the occasional knee to the groin, and athletes do tend to grind across the groin area while they are attempting knee cut passes. This may force the athlete to wear groin protection, even though it may be uncomfortable. Wearing a cup can become extremely annoying, as there can tend to be incidents where the cup may pinch the vital areas. The cup may also have an unfair advantage, as it is an extra layer of leverage when an athlete is finishing an armbar.

BJJ athletes are commonly getting injured, this is not because the sport is reckless, and dangerous but mainly due to the high intensity work of the athlete themself. BJJ does have a danger element to it, but in most cases a humble student will tap early, and avoid any form of significant injury. There are cases where injuries occur, and this will force students to wear different forms of protective gear. Students may wear ankle strapping, wrist strapping, knee guards, and other forms of protective gear. Some of these injury prevention methods are extremely important for students, especially in older students that are having issues with arthritis, shin splints, or general wear and tear of their joints. Although wearing these types of guards can help students during their training sessions, in most BJJ competitions they are not allowed, instead they will need to strap their injuries with a light strapping tape.


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For a long time now BJJ athletes have been using the help of equipment to supplement the need for training partners. Not all students of BJJ can afford to keep paying academy memberships, or in some cases they just don't have time to continually come to training classes. Sometimes a BJJ athlete would prefer to build their own home gym, but the problem that arises is the need for training partners. Students need to train with other students so they can practise every movement they learn, this is a vital element in developing a BJJ game. There are other alternatives that can help students practise techniques when they are by themself, and this is the use of grappling dummies. The best grappling dummy for jiu jitsu is arguably the Jayefo Beast Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Wrestling Dummy, as this has a great safety rating. The dummy is 40 pounds heavy, which makes it perfect for practising takedowns, throws, and submissions. The dummy has long bendable arms and legs, which makes it perfect for practising high level submission maneuvers.

There are other aids that can help athletes with their BJJ training. When a student is training from home the most important equipment they will need is a matted area. Laying down a significant amount of BJJ mats is vital for the student to practise all of their Jiu Jitsu movements. Some students will use jigsaw mats which are 40 mil thick rubber mats that interlock with each other to resemble a jigsaw. There are many different brands of BJJ mats like Tatami, Zebra, SMAI, and Fuji. The best brand of mats to buy would have to be Dollamur Flexi Roll Tatami mats, as they are of outstanding quality, and simply rollout to make installation easy. There are many other important tools athletes can use to improve their BJJ skills, and what better way to improve in Jiu Jitsu than to work extensively on grip strength. There are many different training tools that can help an athlete with their grip strength like simple hand grips, which can be used to get the pump in an athlete's hands. Having a good home gym is also another good way to help an athlete's BJJ, as they can perform a number of different workout routines in order to strengthen different parts of their body. Once a student can begin to bulletproof their bodies they will find their BJJ will improve considerably.


There are two different types of BJJ uniforms, and the first is the most traditional, which is called a GI. The Gi has three major components, a heavy cotton jacket, a reinforced pair of drawstring trousers, and a belt which holds the jacket closed, and signifies the athlete's rank. There are many different types of Gi uniforms, and the best quality bjj gi would have to be made with a gold weave, or a pearl weave. Both weaves are extremely lightweight and incredibly durable. Finding the right Gi has always been a talking point among athletes, and many are opting for the new edition of the pearl weave, as it is extremely lightweight with the added bonus of having the strength of the gold weave. In terms of brand some of the best Gi's are Hayabusa, Koral, Hyperfly, Tatami, and Origin. The best bjj gi for women will always be a special women's fit, as they have different contours to men. It can be quite common to see women buy the ordinary adult Gi which even though they still do the job, they will find certain areas of the Gi will be too baggy. This is why a specialised women's fit Gi called a slim fit Gi will always be the best option for a woman to feel comfortable, and secure in her uniform.

The second uniform used in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the No Gi outfit which consists of a rash guard made usually of cotton, spandex or a combination of both, and a pair of pocketless fight shorts. Men can also wear compression pants underneath their fight shorts if they choose to, but in some competitions they are not allowed. Women also wear the same rashguard but usually a women's slim fit, and they will wear leggings, or compression pants, they also have the option of wearing fight shorts over the top of their pants, but in most cases women opt for just wearing compression pants. The No Gi uniform must have at least 10% of the athletes belt rank colour on their sleeves or top, as this is only needed in IBJJF ranked competition. These days there are many different types of rash guards, as athletes will customise their own style, and adopt their own brands. Many famous BJJ athletes have their own brand of rash guard, and some of the best are Fuji, Hyperfly, Kings, Hayabusa, Koral, Tatami, and Future Kimonos.


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One of the biggest must haves in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the right guidance, because if a student is guided down the wrong path their BJJ will most definitely suffer. It can be quite easy to fall into a trap of trying to learn extremely complicated maneuvers, when a student is a fresh white belt. This is a huge mistake, as the more advanced, and complex movements are there for higher belts to learn. A beginner in BJJ should not concern themself with fancy high level maneuvers they see on YouTube, as their understanding, and proficiency is not up to that level yet. Beginner's must learn the foundations of BJJ, as these are the building blocks to a strong and formidable game style. The only way a student can build a long lasting BJJ game is to build up from the core. This means understanding every position, and how to escape from these positions. This may be a little more boring compared to learning a berimbolo, or a fancy leg lock entanglement, but in terms of survival, students need to understand that the fundamentals are the most important.

Start your BJJ journey off with the most solid foundation you can designed by 5X World Champion Bernardo Faria and BJJ Fanatics!

must haves in bjj

Finding the right academy to train at is how a new student will receive the right guidance. It is easy to know where a good place to train is, and that is due to firstly the atmosphere they will feel at an academy, and secondly what the instructors are teaching. If the teacher takes the time to go through a large array of fundamental movements, then this will be a great gym for them to develop their skills. Atmosphere and attitude is everything, and being surrounded by the right people is how a student will excel in BJJ. Being surrounded by arrogant training partners is detrimental to a student's growth, as they will only pick up bad habits. The right academy will be filled with people that have humility, integrity, and a caring attitude towards all of their academy members. This includes showing the same respect to athletes that compete, and athletes that don't, because at the end of the day not everyone wants to compete, but all athletes of an academy should be treated equally. An academy that respects everyone is the right place for a student to develop their BJJ skills, as this will be the cornerstone for their prosperity in the sport.

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