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Best BJJ Ear Guards

Best BJJ Ear Guards


When a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighter has been grappling for a long time, they may incur the dreaded cauliflower ear. This is a condition that athletes may suffer from after a multitude of intense grappling battles. The Cauliflower ear is when an athlete's ear will fill up full of blood, causing the ear to swell. This can be an extremely painful condition, and may even stop athletes from training. There are ways to combat the dreaded curse of the cauli ear, but it can result in an athlete having to change their game style. There are many different aspects of the BJJ game that can cause a student to receive injuries to their ear. Usually wrestlers will inherit cauli ears, and this is due to the blunt force trauma they receive when battling head to head with an opponent. This is the same when it comes to BJJ, as they will have their heads stuck in chokes while their opponent is squeezing. They will also aggravate injuries by using grinding pressure when they are on top of a guard player.

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Changing an athlete's game style can be extremely tricky, and even though this may be the right course of action in the long term, there are quick fixes available. BJJ is all about defense and offense, as the combination of the two are used in conjunction with fast transitions, while withstanding extreme amounts of pressure to their heads. Safety equipment is used during BJJ battles, as students will always look to find the best mouth guard for jiu jitsu, and the best ear guards as well as the best mouth guards for bjj to protect themselves from hematomas. Although some athletes wearing an ear guard may find it a hindrance, many wrestlers are extremely successful wearing premium ear guards. BJJ has begun to follow suit, especially in training, as athletes will look to utilise ear protection, as an easier way to keep them consistantly training on the mat.

Legendary grappler and combat coach Neil Melanson is back with THE SCIENCE OF FILTHY TRIANGLES which is available from

best ear guards bjj


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Cauliflower ear is an injury that can commonly occur during Martial Arts, and is technically known as a perichondrial hematoma. This condition usually comes into effect as the external portion of the ear is repeatedly hit, or squashed. The ear will then develop blood clots, or a collection of fluid under the perichondrium. This process will separate the cartilage from the overlying perichondrium that supplies its nutrients, and this can cause it to die, as it results in the formation of fibrous tissue in the overlying skin. This will cause the outer ear to become permanently swollen or deformed, and this resembles a cauliflower. This injury can become quite painful, as it may hinder an athlete from consistently training. 

The skin in the outer ear is extremely tight next to the perichondrium, and this is because there is almost no fat on the anterior of the ear. This will leave an athlete's ear exposed to damage from direct impact, as it will increase the risk of forming hematomas. With an auricular hematoma, blood will accumulate between the perichondrium and the cartilage. The hematoma will cause a blockage, which can obstruct blood flow from the perichondrium to the avascular cartilage. This can result in the cartilage becoming necrotic and infected, especially if left untreated. Swollen cartilage will then be formed, as it deforms and kinks resulting in the appearance of a cauliflower. Fast evacuation of the hematoma can restore a closer contact between the cartilage and perichondrium, as this will reduce deformity and restore a more normal shape within the ear.


There are several ways that an athlete can incur blows to the ear, which can cause hematomas. Most commonly athletes that receive blunt force trauma directly to the ear will result in the ear filling up with blood. Another way that a hematoma will form is through a grinding pressure that swipes across the ear. There are many ways this will happen like an accidental knee to the ear while rolling with a training partner. One of the most common causes of cauliflower ears is when an athlete is stuck in a choke, as their opponent is applying pressure, the athlete will attempt to drag their head out of danger, which can cause a grinding pressure over the ears. There are other ways to receive cauli ears while training in the bjj gi, best practices include the wrapping of the lapel around an athlete's ears. The lapel in BJJ is very thick and abrasive, which can cause a multitude of injuries especially if applied to vulnerable tissue like that of the ear.

One of the most common chokes that will cause a hematoma to form in the ear, is a guillotine choke. The mechanics of this choke force an athlete to directly apply pressure around their opponent's ear, jawline and neck. Commonly opponent's will attempt to squeeze their heads out of danger, which can be one of the biggest mistakes, as they will soon understand the issues it can cause. Athletes will look for the best grappling dummy for jiu jitsu to practise their transitioning on, and when this translates onto a real partner they can often transition with a lot of force. Moving from side control to north south can cause a lot of friction between training partners, as this will often lead to trauma of the ear during the movement. It can be difficult to practise these movements without injuring an opponent, especially when a new white belt is moving with incoordination, which is when they fail to move smoothly or efficiently. 


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There are a lot of different types of treatment for the perichondrial hematoma, however the most current series of research struggles to identify the best singular treatment available. One of the most common forms of therapy is when an athlete will drain the hematoma of all its blood. This can become quite messy, as many athletes that do this practise will begin to make the process more frequent. Athletes will feel like inevitably it is not healing the issue, and only giving them momentary reprieve. An acute hematoma can lead to cauliflower ear, and quick drainage of the blood can prevent permanent significant deformity. There are different techniques that are used for the drainage of blood in the acute stage to help prevent hematoma, this includes using needles to drain the blood, suction devices, using a wick, or an incision put to the ear for drainage.

After the blood in the ear has been drained, the prevention of recurrent swelling within the ear becomes an extremely important notion. This can be achieved with a multitude of techniques that include: direct pressure dressings, in and out mattress sutures, buttons placed on sutures, thermoplastic splints, sutured cotton balls, and absorbable mattress sutures. It is extremely important to drain the ears immediately after an injury, as waiting more than 6 hours can be troublesome. Athletes that have recurrent trauma to their ears will effectively need plastic surgery to return the normal appearance of the ear, and help with the prevention of recurrence. The outer ear is highly prone to infections, so it becomes exceedingly important to take antibiotics to help stop any kind of infection. Pressure should be applied with bandages, which will help the skin, and the cartilage to reconnect with each other. Clothes pegs, magnets, and custom molded ear splints, have also been known to ensure that the right amount of pressure is applied to the affected area. Without any kind of medical attention, the ear can sustain some serious damage, resulting in a magnitude of issues for the athlete. In some cases an athlete may need cosmetic procedures to help improve the appearance of the ear.

There are many cases where athletes may not opt for medical attention, instead they wear the cauliflower ear like a badge of honour. It is common to see a high level Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighter sporting some form of cauliflower ear, and this is a result of long term training. Some students may decide to use tape to strap up their ears so they have some form of protection. This may not stop blunt force trauma, but it can help with grinding of the ear. The most common form of protection is an ear guard, which has been made popular by many wrestlers due to the nature of their combat. BJJ fighters are now implementing wearing ear guards as a way to counteract the trauma they may receive towards their ears.

Grappling Ear Guards

Grappling ear guards are a specialized type of protective equipment designed to shield the ears from the rigors of close-contact sports. They play a pivotal role in preventing conditions like cauliflower ear, a common issue among grapplers and wrestlers resulting from repeated impact and friction. The best grappling ear guards offer a balance between robust protection and comfort, ensuring they can be worn for extended periods without causing discomfort. They typically feature adjustable straps and a design that contours to the shape of the head, providing a secure fit that stays in place during vigorous activity.

Apart from protection, grappling ear guards also contribute to an athlete’s confidence on the mat. Knowing that they are safeguarded against common injuries allows them to fully engage in training and competition, pushing their limits without the looming threat of potential harm. Durability is a key factor when selecting grappling ear guards, as they need to withstand constant wear and tear. With the right pair of ear guards, athletes can maintain their focus on performance and skill development, laying the foundation for a successful and injury-free grappling journey.


All BJJ ear guards are designed to protect an athlete from cauliflower ear, however the best ear guards will provide more than just protection of the ears. Modern headgear protection provides aspects like airflow, and breathability, as this will ensure a dryer environment. Antimicrobial properties within the modern headgear will mean that anyone wearing this equipment will ensure that both their training partners, and themselves are safe from germs building up around the material. It is important to research the most durable, and lightweight head guards, so athletes can maximise their efficiency. It is the bjj must haves like Neoprene, as this will tend to offer the best combination of protection, durability, and weight.

The Cliff Keen F5 Tornado is one of the most adjustable head guards on the market, and is the perfect option for a beginner. The Cliff Keen comes in nearly 50 different colour options, meaning an athlete can still stay colour coordinated to match their academy colours. The Cliff Keen is one of the most trusted brand names on the market, and is used by many wrestlers throughout the professional community. One of the best aspects of this head guard is that the athlete will be able to hear everything around them, meaning they can still receive instructions from their coaches along the sidelines. The patented technology of the Cliff Keen provides a special air ventilation system, based on NASA research, which keeps the athlete reasonably cool. There is a significant importance in keeping an athlete cool during their training, and this head guard is one of the best in the business. Having ultra deep ear cups will not only guarantee the required amount of protection, but it will also make this ear guard one of the most comfortable to wear, due to its innovative strapping system. the on the fly strapping system has a power tab, which means the head guard can be secured in seconds, while making it extremely difficult to fall off during training.

Probably the best overall head guard for BJJ would have to be the Matman Wrestling Headgear. The guard is extremely soft, comprehensivly adjustable, and is available in multiple sizes for both adults, and young athletes. There are five different color options, which will give an athlete a chance to stay colour coordinated. Protection is the first non negotiable, and second is durability, as the quality of this ear guard is second to none. The Matman stands up to a rigorous training regime day in and day out, as the regular pounding it will take while on the mats is phenomenal. The head guard also features special moisture wicking properties that will help extend the life of this equipment. The Matman is extremely soft, and comfortable to wear, while having an antimicrobial element to keep the guard free from germs. The Neoprene used to make this BJJ head guard has an exceptional quality of breathability, as it ensures a smaller likelihood of smells. The Matman is highly adjustable, as it has the power to be tightened accurately without removal of the guard.

The SCIENCE OF FILTHY TRIANGLES, developed by legendary combat teacher and grappler Neil Melanson, is available on

best bjj ear guard

One of the most comfortable BJJ ear guards is the Venum Kontact Evo Ear Guard. This guard is an extremely lightweight option when it comes to protecting the ear in grappling. Athletes have said they feel like they are not even wearing a guard while it is on, while still receiving an extremely high level of protection. The guard is ultra soft, and Neoprene is the main material used in this headgear. The ear guard is highly comfortable, and has an extremely light feel to wear, as it will demonstrate great agility for an athlete, and not hinder any movement at all during training. The fabric is really smooth, which will significantly reduce any kind of irritation to the skin. The molded shell over the ears uses a high density foam to provide a significant amount of protection from both grinding, and hard impact. The 3 way closure system is an extremely easy peice of equipment to adjust, while during a training session.

On of the most durable ear guards on the market is the Roar Wrestling Ear Guard. This ear protection has a strange look at first glimpse, but is an extremely great choice for Gi Jiu Jitsu. Just like the best cup for bjj, the Roar is easily the best for Jiu Jitsu. The extended protection means that other sensitive areas will receive just as much protection as the ears, this is important for having the freedom to concentrate on grappling. The strength of this ear protection is second to none, as the EVA foam ear guards can withstand a massive amount of pressure. The ear guards have a long life expectancy designed specifically for long term use. There are extra large openings that provide additional airflow, and breathability. The Roar also has extra padding around the chin strap, which will prevent any form of irritation, making wearing this BJJ headgear one of the most comfortable on the market. 

Headgear BJJ

Headgear in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) plays a crucial role in protecting practitioners from common injuries, particularly to the ears. Cauliflower ear, a deformation caused by repeated trauma, is prevalent in grappling sports, making headgear a vital piece of equipment for serious BJJ athletes. Quality BJJ headgear is designed to provide ample protection while ensuring comfort and minimal interference during training or competition. It is constructed to fit securely, reducing the risk of it shifting out of place and exposing the ears to potential harm. Investing in reliable BJJ headgear is a wise decision for anyone looking to make a long-term commitment to their training, prioritizing safety alongside skill development.

The best headgear for BJJ not only guards against injury but also enhances the practitioner’s experience on the mat. It is lightweight, adjustable, and made from materials that withstand the rigorous demands of grappling. Top manufacturers pay close attention to the design, ensuring that the headgear stays in place even during intense sparring sessions. With the right headgear, BJJ athletes can train harder and smarter, reducing downtime due to injury and maximizing their time spent honing their skills.

Grappling Headgear

Grappling headgear is an indispensable tool for martial artists, designed to provide optimal protection during training and competitions. It is specifically crafted to safeguard the ears, forehead, and back of the head, areas most susceptible to injuries in sports like wrestling, judo, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The headgear’s design focuses on a snug fit, ensuring it stays securely in place while allowing for maximum mobility and visibility. This balance is crucial as it enables athletes to perform at their best without being hindered by their protective gear.

High-quality grappling headgear incorporates durable materials and padding that effectively absorb and distribute impact, minimizing the risk of injuries such as cauliflower ear and abrasions. Ventilation is another critical feature, as it helps to keep the athlete cool and comfortable during intense grappling sessions. The headgear should be easy to clean and maintain, ensuring it remains in top condition for prolonged use. By choosing the right grappling headgear, athletes invest in their safety and longevity in the sport, allowing them to focus on improving their skills and performance.

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