
Kaynan Moves Up to Face Gordon Ryan At No Gi Pans

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Kaynan Moves Up to Face Gordon Ryan At No Gi Pans

The King Targets No Gi Pans

Gordon Ryan recently announced his intentions to compete in the upcoming no gi Pans. He made an Instagram post with a copy of his registration for the event, that include the text, “Ok, who’s ready to get fucked up in the absolute?”

It’s no secret that Gordon has been focusing mainly on the gi, and getting ready to transition into gi competition. But, after a wildly successful run in the no gi realm that culminated with Gordon winning his weight class at the most prestigious no gi grappling event in the world, ADCC, it looks like Gordon is getting the itch to get back on to the competition floor. We’re excited to see Gordon compete in the gi, but we know he’ll will put on an exciting no gi performance at Pans.

Want to improve your No Gi game?  Click Learn more below!


Kaynan Targets the King at No Gi Pans

But now things are getting interesting. Kaynan Duarte has announced that not only will he be participating in no gi pans as well, but that he’ll be moving up in weight class to face Ryan in the ultra-heavyweight division.

Ryan acknowledged Kaynan’s intention to move up on his Instagram story, wishing him luck, to which Kaynan replied, “thanks”. In a later post Ryan had this to say about Kaynans move in to the ultra-heavyweight division to face him, “Nothing but respect to Kaynan for moving up to face me. Most of the losers now a days dont even wanna take a match, never mind going out of their way to find me. Will be a fun match… ending up with me taking double gold.”

Want to improve your No Gi game?  Click Learn more below!


Kaynon Versus Gordon Will Be a Must See Match at No Gi Pans

Seeing Gordon Ryan getting back to competition is exciting. Gordon always puts his heart and soul into his performances, and works for the finish. But Kaynans move definitely sweetens the pot for the ultra-heavyweight division at Pans. We will be watching.

Someone who's no stranger to "top of the food chain" No Gi competition is Yuri Simoes.  Check out his High Efficiency No Gi Jiu Jitsu:  Top Game instructional from BJJ Fanatics.  You can get it here!





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